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Ainda É Noite
Digipak CD
"Un peu de douceur dans ce monde de brutes ! Je vous présente l’album « Ainda é noite » du groupe portugais Dwelling. Il est décidément plaisant de surfer sur cette vague néoclassique et d’a(...)"
Coil (United Kingdom) |
"Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil (2000) - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" LP 2022, Daïs Records |
32.00EUR approx. 46.4USD [ add to cart ] |
A malevolent hour-long synthesizer exorcism, which remains one of the group’s most miasmic and mind-expanding creations, on par with "Time Machines" – a sustained divination of shuddering, psychoactive noise.
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- tracklist -
A1. Higher Beings Command
A2. I Am The Green Child
B1. Beige
B2. Lowest Common Abominator
B3. Free Base Chakra
C. Tunnel Of Goats
D. Tunnel Of Goats
last update: 2024-02-02