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House of Harm
Playground - Ma...
12" LP Avant! Records |
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Mother of Disease
Digipak CD
"Neo-klassisen industrial-musiikin keihäänkärkeen kuuluvan Puissancen kolmoslevyä, Mother of Diseasea, pidetään paikoin jopa tämän ruotsalaisbändin parhaana levytyksenä. Lienee siis vain paik(...)"
Mediæval Bæbes (United Kingdom) |
"MydWynter" Digipak CD 2022, Bellissima |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
Following the huge success of their Christmas album "Of Kings and Angels", The Mediaeval Baebes release a new album of Yuletide Carols and Winter Hymns "MydWynter".
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Enge Store - "Det Høstes Nå"
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Camerata Mediolanense - "Musica Reservata (reissue with bonus CD)"
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- tracklist -
01. Carol of the Bells (3:21)
02. Deck the Halls (3:21)
03. Personent Hodie (4:28)
04. Mary Fre (2:48)
05. Wexford Carol (3:32)
06. Noël Nouvelet (4:18)
07. Gower Wassail (3:39)
08. O Little Town of Bethlehem (5:35)
09. Ríu Ríu Chíu (3:38)
10. Flesh of Thee Mayden Bryght (3:28)
11. Laudes Celebret (3:52)
12. This Flour is Fayre (4:53)
last update: 2025-01-10