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Opus Dei (1987)
12" Gatefold LP Mute |
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Ainda É Noite
Digipak CD
"Secondo full length per la formazione portoghese: potrei fermarmi qui e non dire altro, tanto per chi conosce i Dwelling ogni parola è sprecata. Qui le lodi non solo non sono sufficienti, ma chi si c(...)"
Blood And Sun (U.S.A.) |
"Ochre And The Collected EPs" Digifile CD 2023, Nordvis |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Blood and Sun are known for dark and haunting songs drawing heavily from Americana and neo-folk – likely to appeal to fans of everything from Of the Wand and the Moon and Steve Von Til to Wovenhand and Echo & The Bunnymen.
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- tracklist -
01. Ochre (7:18)
02. Wellspring (2:51)
03. Crossroad (3:43)
04. Crown (5:42)
05. The Confession (4:25)
06. At Rest (4:09)
07. Cain's Orchard (2:22)
08. Lavender Letters (3:54)
09. The Hunt And The Fall (5:16)
last update: 2024-01-06