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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
Digipak CD
"Embrace the Fool is one of the first albums to come from Equilibrium Music this autumn, and to be honest Poets To Their Beloved couldn’t have found a better label to release their first album. I als(...)"
Les Chasseurs De La Nuit (Denmark) |
"Gleam On You Empty Gem" 12" LP 2020, Heiðrunar Myrkrunar |
23.00EUR approx. 33.4USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Kim Larsen (Of The wand & The Moon/Vril Jäger/Solanaceae etc.) returns as Les Chasseurs de la Nuit album. 8 tracks ranging from old school 90s Neofolk to feverish dream collages and eerie soundscapes. And a bit of monkey samples. Lim. 300x.
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- tracklist -
A1. Viper Soul (5:45)
A2. Gleam On You Empty Gem (4:56)
A3. Hing Hang Hung (2:53)
A4. No Quarter From The Heart (4:23)
A5. Laugh At Them And They´ll Laugh At You (4:07)
B1. Midekonge (8:03)
B2. Poisoned Past (7:08)
B3. Wenn Affen Nach Affen Gaffen (7:58)
last update: 2024-06-11