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Satanic Witch
Digipak CD Ván |
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Digipak CD
"Frammenti di misticismo a cavallo tra tradizione gaelica e mediterranea trovano terreno fertile dove potersi unire in un unico sound nella nuova creatura di Duncan Patterson, già noto al pubblico sper(...)"
Godspeed You Black Emperor! (Canada) |
"F♯ A♯ ∞" CD 1998, Kranky |
14.50EUR approx. 21USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
The first recorded document of Godspeed as a large band. A soaring, fragile, awkward, heartbreaking work, captured on a rented 16-track tape deck and supplemented with various field recordings.
other item(s) in catalog |
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2x 12" Gatefold LP 2018, Profound Lore Records
Public Service Broadcasting - "This New Noise "
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Digipak CD 2019, Sargent House
Mono - "My Story, The Buraku Story: An Original Soundtrack"
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Digipak CD 2022, Sub Rosa
Blueneck - "Epilogue"
Digipak CD 2012, Denovali Records
Neronoia - "Mi Piaceva Una Vita"
Digifile CD 2015, Eibon Records
Russian Circles - "Memorial"
Digipak CD 2013, Sargent House
- tracklist -
The Dead Flag Blues (16:27)
1.1. Thedead Flag Blues(Intro)
1.2. Slow Moving Trains/
1.3. The Cowboy...
1.4. (;Outro)...
East Hastings (17:58)
2.1. "...Nothing's Alrite In Our Life..."/Deadflagblues (Reprise)
2.2. The Sad Mafioso...
2.3. Drugs In Tokyo/Black Helicopter
Providence (29:02)
3.1. Divorce&fever...
3.2. Dead Metheny..
3.3. -Kicking Horse On Brokenhill
3.4. String Loop Manufactured During Downpour...
3.5. Untitled
3.6. J.L.H. Outro
last update: 2022-02-18