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Musique du Crépuscule
Digipak CD
"La portoghese Equilibrium Music continua a sfornare piccoli capolavori a getto continuo. Così dopo il disco dei nostrani Hexperos e il monumentale ultimo album targato Arditi, ecco giungere nei nostr(...)"

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Laibach (Yugoslavia)
"Bremenmarsch - Live at Schlachthof 12.10.1987" 12" LP + CD Set 2020, Made in Germany Music
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
On 12th October 1987 Laibach, made a stop at the Bremen Schlachthof. This live album was recorded on that occasion, and is now released 33 years later, after Laibach have edited the "old" original recordings and digitally mastered them in their studio.

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- tracklist -
A1. Leben-Tod [04:31]
A2. Država (Machen wir Deutschland wieder frei) [03:23]
A3. Trans-national [04:46]
A4. Krvava gruda - plodna zemlja [04:40]
A5. Die Liebe [03:46]
B1. Krst [05:26]
B2. How the West was won [04:21]
B3. Leben heisst Leben [05:25]
B4. Geburt einer Nation [05:09]
B5. Life is Life [05:38]
01. Intro (radio announcement) [00:32]
02. Leben-Tod [03:59]
03. Država (Machen wir Deutschland wieder frei) [03:23]
04. Trans-national [04:46]
05. Krvava gruda - plodna zemlja [04:40]
06. Die Liebe [03:46]
07. Ti, ki izzivaš [07:46]
08. Krst [05:27]
09. How the West was won [04:21]
10. Leben heisst Leben [05:26]
11. Geburt einer Nation [05:09]
12. Agnus Dei (Acropolis, Exil und Tod) [02:52]
13. Wutachschlucht (Fragment) [04:02]
14. Life is Life [05:38]

last update: 2024-12-18
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