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Les Fragments d...
Musique du Crépuscule
Digipak CD
"Les Fragments de la Nuit rassemble un violoncelliste, trois violonistes et un pianiste, dont deux ex Goo Goo Blown. Des voix flottantes, quasi féeriques dispensent parfois quelques gammes au dessus d(...)"
Ulver (Norway) |
"Drone Activity" CD 2019, House of Mythology |
14.00EUR approx. 20.3USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
If the Zodiac album was a free-form Ulver interpreting the signs in the stars, "Drone Activity" stares into the abyss, documenting those moments after the last rays of sun speckle the surface and careless subterranean streams start determining the course.
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Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O - "Are You Land Or Water"
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- tracklist -
01. True North
02. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
03. Blood, Fire, Woods, Diamonds
04. Exodus
last update: 2024-06-14