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Musique du Crépuscule
Digipak CD
""Musique du Crépuscule" could be the soundtrack of an imaginary Peter Greenaway film based on "The Violet Fairy Book," or of your own life -- well, the weird Greenaway parts are your business, but you(...)"

Gothic Beauty Magazine
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UFA Muzak
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Barbarossa Umtrunk (France)
"Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers..." Digifile CD 2013, UFA Muzak
12.00EUR • approx. 17.4USD [ add to cart ]
A powerful combinations of martial, neoclassic and ambient. Walls of heavy drones, explosive drumming and songs of dervishes, sublime samples of classics and dark rhythms encoded by electronics, a whisper from the other world, making heart beat high.

audio files available
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- tracklist -
01. Halgadom (3:38)
02. Veilleur, Ou En Est La Nuit (5:08)
03. Arehisosur (3:33)
04. Der Talisman Des Rosenkreuzers (7:18)
05. Yenitcheri Ersen Faust (9:02)
06. Walvater (5:32)
07. Deutschland Erwache! (3:08)
08. Oberland Freikorps (4:09)
09. L'Hotel Des Quatre Saisons (2:54)
10. Yenitcheri Ersen Faust (9:07)
11. Gotal Halgarita (3:24)
12. L'elu Du Dragon Vert (5:38)
13. Die Herren Vom Schwarzen Stein (9:54)

last update: 2014-09-29
Les Mort Skin (Bulgaria)
"Front Capacity" Digifile CDr 2007, UFA Muzak
8.00EUR • approx. 11.6USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Martial/Death Industrial, mixing up influences from Power Electroncs and martial-thematic conceptions. Lim. 151 copies.

audio files available
- tracklist -
01. Prelude (3:05)
02. Melting Steel (6:56)
03. Aluminium Freedom (6:02)
04. Resource (6:57)
05. Syndrom B-26 (5:34)
06. Postnuclear Radical (5:54)
07. Epilogue (1:26)

last update: 2024-06-25
SVA Battalion (Russia)
"Mein Abgrund" Digifile CDr 2012, UFA Muzak
9.00EUR • approx. 13.1USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Dark Ambient / Noise, musically restrained and cold somehow creating a feeling of detachment. Rumbling storming squall noising out the background events changes into calmness leading the ship of despair upon the waters of Styx. Lim. 98x.

audio files available
- tracklist -
01. Обусловленность Восприятия (2:36)
02. Вивисекция Общественного Сознания (16:06)
03. Второе Столетие Террора (3:41)
04. Воцерковлённая Агония (10:52)
05. Призрачность Выбора (1:45)

last update: 2024-06-25
Transistorwald (Russia)
"Sleeping Eiktyrnir" Digifile CDr 2011, UFA Muzak
10.00EUR • approx. 14.5USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Aryasophic Dark Ambient. Long like slow waves of a subterranean lake, the melodic elements of Transistorwald are the new tales about old, told without words. Lim. 133x.

audio files available
- tracklist -
01. Ведьма-Зима (6:19)
02. Око Змея (5:50)
03. Гравитация Туле (4:39)
04. Талые Воды Источника Урд (6:53)
05. Багряные Асгарда Дали (6:10)
06. Thurisaz (7:42)
07. Девять Долгих Ночей (3:37)
08. Плачущий Хед (1:31)

last update: 2024-06-25
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