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Digipak CD
"Credo che fosse inevitabile che prima o poi le strade dei Rajna e dell’Equilibrium Music si incrociassero. Troppe le affinità tra il duo francese e l’etichetta portoghese. Quindi non mi sorprende(...)"
Les Discrets (France) |
"Prédateurs - Artbook Edition" 2x CD + DVD Bookset 2017, Prophecy Productions |
39.00EUR approx. 56.6USD [ add to cart ] |
Lim. 500 copies. 2CD+DVD-ROM Artbook (hardcover, 28x28 cm, 48 pages), incl. bonus CD with four songs, bonus DVD-ROM incl. four live tracks as well as English translations of the lyrics, linernotes and additional artwork.
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split release featuring Les Discrets:
- Les Discrets / Arctic Plateau
"split" Digifile 2x MCD 2011
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- tracklist -
01. Prédateurs
02. Virée Nocturne
03. Les Amis De Minuit
04. Vanishing Beauties
05. Fleur Des Murailles
06. Le Reproche
07. Les Jours D'Or
08. Rue Octavio Mey
09. The Scent Of Spring (Moonraker)
10. Lyon - Paris 7h34
Bonus CD:
01. Le Reproche (live)
02. Virée Nocturne (live)
03. Fleur Des Murailles (live)
04. Rue Octavio Mey (live)
Bonus DVD-ROM:
01. Le Reproche (live)
02. Virée Nocturne (live)
03. Fleur Des Murailles (live)
04. Rue Octavio Mey (live)
last update: 2017-12-12