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Digipak CD Cold Spri... |
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Digipak CD
"Ritorna Duncan Patterson (ex Anathema ed ex Antimatter) con sequel dello splendido Madre Protégenos, uscito quattro anni fa. Come si capisce dal titolo e dall’artwork siamo sempre nell’ambito di (...)"
Axiome (Germany) |
"L'Avenir Est Un Cerf Teint" CD 2016, Ant-Zen |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ] |
"L'Avenir..." introduces a broad range of tempers between the dark icy menace of classic Belgian EBM and the euphoria of a technoid rave, while focusing also on elaborate melodic themes which indelibly stick in the listener's mind.
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Deutsch Nepal - "Dystopian Partycollection II"
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- tracklist -
01. Walrus On The Rocks (5:25)
02. Le Cri Du Gecko (6:51)
03. L’échappée Du Yucca (6:10)
04. The Hummus Eating Lion (4:40)
05. Solidified Tsunami (6:15)
06. Olifantome (9:14)
07. La Chute Du Guide Téléphonique (4:48)
08. Images Du Désastre (4:58)
09. La Rupture Van Numisma (6:27)
10. Mise À Nuit (6:42)
11. Trop Tard (4:24)
last update: 2017-12-12