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The Moon and th...
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A5 Digipak CD
"Secondo album dei The Moon And The Nightspirit: duo ungherese composto da Agnes Toth (voce, violino, arpa e percussioni) e Mihaly Szabo (voce maschile, chitarre acustiche e percussioni), che continua (...)"
Darkher (United Kingdom) |
"The Kingdom Field - Black Vinyl" 12" EP 2014, Prophecy Productions |
15.00EUR approx. 21.8USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
A charismatic West Yorkshire-based singer-songwriter behind whose fragile elegance lies the creator of a powerfully emotive work, made up of slowly building storm clouds of guitars and Jayn's haunting, spine-tinglingly evocative voice. Lim. 500 copies.
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- tracklist -
01. Ghost Tears
02. Hung
03. Foregone
04. The Kingdom Field
last update: 2024-09-25