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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
Digipak CD
"La historia de Poets to Their Beloved es una de esas historias de amor musical y cierto aire a romanticismo pagano de las que cada vez se dan menos en la música moderna. En concreto, fue en el año 2(...)"
Haven (Poland) |
"Amity" Digipak CD 2010, Zoharum |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ] |
A bold journey through different soundscapes. [haven] links different musical worlds: elements of ambient and post-industrial electronica soaking in an experimental sauce, spiced up with oriental melodies and a beautiful female voice.
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- tracklist -
01. I let my love go
02. Somewhere in the middle east
03. Jerusalem under fire
04. Nothing to go on
05. No way to exit (modern city lament)
06. THC
07. Transmission
08. Great big ocean
09. After the sunset
10. Wake up
11. The knife
12. Final cut
last update: 2012-09-03