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12" EP Avantgarde Music
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Shining Silver Skies
Digipak CD
"Este es sin duda uno de esos discos en los que no sabes que vas a encontrar, pero que en cualquier caso, desde que empieza a sonar sorprende y al final de su escucha no te queda más opción que aplau(...)"

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Slowdive (United Kingdom)
"The Shining Breeze: The Slowdive Anthology" 2x CD 2010, Cherry Red Records
16.00EUR • approx. 23.2USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
A fine stepping on point for anyone interested in the works of Slowdive. This anthology is compiled and annotated by Mojo’s Kieron Tyler.

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- tracklist -
01. Slowdive (5:12)
02. Avalyn I (4:50)
03. Morningrise (4:18)
04. She Calls (5:36)
05. Catch The Breeze (4:22)
06. Golden Hair (4:02)
07. Shine (5:18)
08. Spanish Air (6:07)
09. Erik's Song (4:28)
10. Waves (5:54)
11. Primal (5:31)
12. Alison (3:50)
13. So Tired (4:02)
14. Moussaka Chaos (6:24)
01. Souvlaki Space Station (5:56)
02. Machine Gun (4:22)
03. Sing (4:48)
04. Here She Comes (2:17)
05. Altogether (3:40)
06. Dagger (3:38)
07. Some Velvet Morning (3:23)
08. In Mind (3:43)
09. Good Day Sunshine (5:06)
10. Country Rain (3:34)
11. Rutti (10:02)
12. Miranda (4:48)
13. Trellisaze (6:18)
14. Cello (1:33)
15. Visions Of LA (1:43)
16. Blue Skied An' Clear (6:52)
17. All Of Us (4:08)

last update: 2024-12-31
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