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Sushi . Roti . ...
2x 12" Gatefold LP Grönland |
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Ainda É Noite
Digipak CD
"Sugerente propuesta la que nos brindan estos lisboetas totalmente desconocidos para mi, aunque ya llevan 3 lanzamientos de la mano de su discográfica Equilibrium Music, que como muchos ya sabéis, ti(...)"
Greenleaf (Sweden) |
"The Head & The Habit - Red Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2024, Magnetic Eye Records |
26.00EUR approx. 37.7USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Combining an awareness of past triumphs with mature craftsmanship, the Swedes melt thunderous riff-magic, enrapturing and soul-heavy vocals, frenetic rhythms and driving attacks into a ear-catching, sparkling alloy of hard rocking anthems!
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- tracklist -
01. Breathe, Breathe Out
02. Avalanche
03. Different Horses
04. A Wolf In My Mind
05. That Obsidian Grin
06. The Sirens Sound
07. Oh Dandelion
08. The Tricking Tree
09. An Alabastrine Smile
last update: 2024-07-19