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Brendan Perry
Eye Of The Hunt...
2x 12" Gatefold LP 4AD |
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Madre, Protégenos
Digipak CD
"Tämä levy on mahtava. Vaikuttaa siltä että ex-Anathema ja Antimatter-mies Duncan Patterson saa kulloisenkin projektinsa hengittämään niin syvällisesti ja persoonallisesti kuin ikinä mielensä(...)"
Saor (Scotland) |
"Aura (2014)" Digipak CD 2020, Season of Mist |
10.00EUR approx. 14.5USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
Expertly transitioning between atmospheric Black Metal, Celtic Folk, and traditional Scottish sounds – the wildly exploratory music of Saor knows no limitations and seeks out every opportunity to expand on its potential.
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Panphage - "Storm (2015)"
Digipak CD 2017, Nordvis
- tracklist -
01. Children Of The Mist (12:14)
02. Aura (13:39)
03. The Awakening (10:09)
04. Tombs (2:25)
05. Farewell (8:24)
06. Pillars Of The Earth (12:11)
07. Ashes (Bonus Track) (3:27)
last update: 2024-05-10