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Fatalist - Red ...
12" LP Ván |
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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Ecoute pélerin, la Terre, ta mère, appelle, les rêves se sont perdus, les vieilles sagesses se sont égarées...pourtant écoute, le vent porte sur la lande d'étranges mélopées comme autant de f(...)"
Dozer (Sweden) |
"Drifting In The Endless Void - Teal Transparent Vinyl" 12" LP 2023, Blues Funeral Recordings |
26.00EUR approx. 37.7USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
European Stoner/Desert Rock progenitors reawaken with a vengeance. A fiery, amp-splitting rumble of a record, a gravitational mass packed with space-tripping grooves, massive sludge and red-eyed psychedelics.
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- tracklist -
A1. Mutation/Transformation
A2. Ex-Human, Now Beast
A3. Dust For Blood
A4. Andromeda
B1. No Quarter Expected, No Quarter Given
B2. Run, Mortals, Run!
B3. Missing 13
last update: 2024-05-17