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Omne Ensis Impera
Digipak CD
"Arditi on Puissance-mies Henry Möllerin ja lukuisissa "never heard" -tason metallibändeissä soittavan ja soittaneen Mårten Björkmanin sotaisaa industrialia ja neoklassista yhdistelevä projekti. (...)"
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"When I Die Burn Me In The Clothes Of My Youth" Digifile CD 2023, Dark Vinyl Records |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
D+DE goes further with a more mastered realisation of sometimes barely touched elements. An elegant mix of neo-classical, synths and 80's beats for a cinematic journey whose result could be classified as a new wave classic. Feat. Patrick Leagas as guest!
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- tracklist -
01. Finis Terrae (2:45)
02. Trust (4:41)
03. Promises To Keep (6:09)
04. She Came From The East (4:56)
05. Dans Le Lointain... (4:40)
06. Brumes (4:25)
07. À La Faveur De La Nuit (5:50)
08. The Earth Is My Church (4:25)
09. Never Learn (5:23)
last update: 2024-12-22