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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
Digipak CD
"Duo Germano-Hollandais formé en 2003, POETS TO THEIR BELOVED n'a que très peu d'expérience et en écoutant "Embrace the Fool", force est de constater qu'ils compensent par un grand talent ! Basé s(...)"
Ana Fosca (Denmark) |
"Poised At The Edge Of Structure" Digipak CD 2022, Helen Scarsdale Agency |
15.00EUR approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
Ana Fosca composes along cyclonic patterns of oppositional forces, searing noise, and ominous drone. When employing her voice, Fosca bellows repetitive chants deep in the mix, in a cathartic incantation spun out agony and despair.
some similar titles |
Haus Arafna - "Blut & Nachblutung"
CD 2006, Galakthorrö
Am Not - "Unpunished (2015)"
12" LP 2015, Unrest Productions
Mourmansk 150 - "Triumphant Over Your Remains"
CD 2007, Eibon Records
Black Earth - "Gnarled Ritual of Self Annihilation - Black Vinyl"
12" LP 2019, Cyclic Law Records
Pharmakon - "Bestial Burden - Black Vinyl"
12" LP 2014, Sacred Bones Records
Loss - "I Am But The Sum Of My Conditions"
CD 2013, Ant-Zen
Wertham - "Streetcleaner"
7" EP 2009, Extremocidente
Am Not - "Cold + Disloyal"
Digipak 2x CD 2022, Unrest Productions
Trepaneringsritualen - "The Totality of Death (Alpha)"
Digipak CD 2024, Cold Spring Records
Moral Order - "Freedom Locked"
12" LP 2018, Tesco Organization
- tracklist -
01. Elements Became Articulated To Physical Bodies (5:39)
02. Solids In Prism (5:56)
03. The In-Between Expanded And Became Everything (4:28)
04. As Particles Turned (3:52)
05. Images Of Infinity (5:22)
06. Revealed By Its Absence Hidden By Its Presence (2:50)
07. A Search For Something Already Passing (3:25)
08. The Axis Of Rotation (4:52)
09. Memories Losing Borders (6:45)
10. Fractions Dissolved Time (2:51)
11. Causality Of The Exceeding (3:50)
12. Face Of Absurdity (5:02)
last update: 2023-07-21