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The Moon and th...
Regõ Rejtem
A5 Digipak CD
"Wie schon der Name Moon And The Night Spirit vermuten lässt, lassen die Ungarn angenehme Neofolk Musik erschallen. Sie lassen mit ihren Akustikgitarren, Harfen, Trommeln und dem zweistimmigen Gesang (...)"
Les Discrets (France) |
"Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées (2010) - Silver Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Prophecy Productions |
25.00EUR approx. 36.3USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Les Discrets weave folkloristic motifs and dabs of post rock into the fabric of their melancholic post-metal. A brilliant start for this young project. Silver vinyl, with printed innersleeve.
other item(s) in catalog |
split release featuring Les Discrets:
- Les Discrets / Arctic Plateau
"split" Digifile 2x MCD 2011
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12" LP 2024, Prophecy Productions
Alcest - "Les Voyages De L'Âme (2012)"
Digibook CD 2023, Prophecy Productions
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Allein In Der Badewanne - "Allein In Der Badewanne - Black Vinyl"
12" LP 2024, Icy Cold Records
Pencey Sloe - "Don’t Believe, Watch Out - Red Vinyl"
12" LP 2019, Prophecy Productions
Alcest - "Écailles De Lune (2010) - Black Vinyl"
12" LP 2017, Prophecy Productions
Oberon - "Dream Awakening"
Digipak CD 2014, Prophecy Productions
Alcest - "Les Voyages De L'Âme - Portrait Format"
Digipak CD 2012, Prophecy Productions
Allein In Der Badewanne - "Allein In Der Badewanne"
Digipak CD 2024, Icy Cold Records
Dymna Lotva - "The Land Under The Black Wings: Blood - Black Vinyl"
2x 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Prophecy Productions
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- tracklist -
A1. L'envol Des Corbeaux
A2. L'échappée
A3. Les Feuilles De L'olivier
A4. Song For Mountains
A5. Sur Les Quais
B1. Effet De Nuit
B2. Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
B3. Chanson D'automne
B4. Svipdagr & Freyja
B5. Une Matinée D'hiver
last update: 2024-10-11