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Limbonic Art
Opus Daemoniaca...
12" Gatefold LP Kyrck Pro... |
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The Moon and th...
Regõ Rejtem
A5 Digipak CD
"Um sich mit Naturmystizismus und Schamanentum zu beschäftigen, braucht man nicht in entlegene Länder zu reisen. Sie liegen quasi vor der Haustür. Das ungarische Duo The Moon And The Nightspirit kö(...)"
Les Discrets (France) |
"Ariettes Oubliées... (2012) - Gold Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Prophecy Productions |
25.00EUR approx. 36.3USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
An elegiac and sublime album of enraptured beauty that developes Les Discrets' characteristic style in the overlap of Post Rock, Doom Metal, and Shoegaze. Gold vinyl, with printed innersleeve.
other item(s) in catalog |
split release featuring Les Discrets:
- Les Discrets / Arctic Plateau
"split" Digifile 2x MCD 2011
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Alcest - "Les Voyages De L'Âme - Portrait Format"
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Dymna Lotva - "The Land Under The Black Wings: Blood - Artbook Edition"
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Oberon - "Dream Awakening"
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Dymna Lotva - "The Land Under The Black Wings: Blood - Red / White Marbled Vinyl"
2x 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Prophecy Productions
Alcest - "Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde (2007) - Black Vinyl"
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The Whores of Babylon - "Kumari"
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Theatre of Tragedy - "Aégis (1998) - Yellow Vinyl With Blue Smoke"
2x 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Cosmic Key Creations
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- tracklist -
AI. Linceul D’Hiver (2:50)
AII. La Traversée (8:23)
AIII. Le Mouvement Perpétuel (6:55)
AIV. Ariettes Oubliées I: Je Devine À Travers Un Murmure... (5:31)
BV. La Nuit Muette (5:49)
BVI. Au Creux De L’Hiver (4:36)
BVII. Après L‘Ombre (4:34)
BVIII. Les Regrets (4:10)
last update: 2025-01-17