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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
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"La historia de Poets to Their Beloved es una de esas historias de amor musical y cierto aire a romanticismo pagano de las que cada vez se dan menos en la música moderna. En concreto, fue en el año 2(...)"
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Bill Fay (U.S.A.)
"Countless Branches - Deluxe Edition" 2x 12" LP 2020, Dead Oceans
24.00EUR • approx. 34.8USD [ add to cart ]
"Countless Branches" sounds sparser and more concise than its predecessors, the acclaimed albums "Life Is People" and "Who Is The Sender?" (2015), and brings together compositions collected over 40 years. A masterpiece.

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- tracklist -
A1. In Human Hands (2:19)
A2. How Long, How Long (2:43)
A3. Your Little Face (2:44)
A4. Salt Of The Earth (3:39)
A5. I Will Remain Here (2:06)
B1. Filled With Wonder Once Again (3:07)
B2. Time's Going Somewhere (2:42)
B3. Love Will Remain (2:24)
B4. Countless Branches (2:20)
B5. One Life (2:47)
C1. Tiny
C2. Don't Let My Marigolds Die (Live In Studio)
C3. The Rooster
C4. Your Little Face (Acoustic Version)
D1. Filled With Wonder Once Again (Band Version)
D2. How Long, How Long (Band Version)
D3. Love Will Remain (Band Version)

last update: 2024-02-02
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