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Qual (Lebanon H...
Techsick - Blac...
12" EP Fabrika Records |
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Grace of God
Digipak CD
"A volte ritornano. Si, i Puissance ritornano quattro anni dopo ‘State Collapse’ con un nuovo album sprezzante e cinico, ma forse anche più melodico ed accessibile di quanto fatto in passato. Dime(...)"
Sutekh Hexen (U.S.A.) |
"/ Hissing - Split - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2017, The Flenser |
20.00EUR approx. 29USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
A gathering of two of the murkiest, most cacophonous groups operating in the margins of the contemporary Metal underground. Sutekh Hexen offer a dense tapestry of black noise, whereas Hissing is often described as “blackened sludge”.
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split release featuring Sutekh Hexen:
- Sutekh Hexen / Sleepwalker
"split" 7" EP 2019
some similar titles |
- tracklist -
Α. Sutekh Hexen - Pareidolian (13:06)
B. Hissing - Deserted Veins (15:40)
last update: 2024-12-11