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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Ziemlich langer Bandname und Albumtitel, kann man sich kaum merken… sollte man aber!
Das 2003 gegründete Projekt der beiden Magyaren Agnes Toth und Mihaly Szabo verbindet heidnische Fabeln mi(...)"
Perchta (Austria) |
"Ufång - Artbook Edition" 2x CD/Book Set 2020, Prophecy Productions |
30.00EUR approx. 43.5USD [ add to cart ] |
In its epic scope, "Ufång" sounds like a tempest of tremolo Black Metal guitars and ritualistic Folk with a voice on top to pierce marrow and bone. 18x18cm, 48 pages hardcover book with enhanced artwork, additional texts and extra CD with two bonus songs.
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- tracklist -
01. Intro
02. Erdn
03. Långs
04. Åtem
05. Summa
06. Gluat
07. Herest
08. Wåssa
09. Winta
10. Outro
Bonus CD:
11. Gluat (akustik)
12. Wåssa (akustik)
last update: 2021-02-15