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Fourth, Part One
Digipak CD
"Deleyaman was founded in the fall of 2000 by Aret Madilian, an American-Armenian multi-instrumentalist, musician and singer originally from California, now living in a French coastal village. Classify(...)"
Black Earth (Spain) |
"Gnarled Ritual of Self Annihilation" Digifile CD 2019, Cyclic Law Records |
14.00EUR approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ] |
A sophomore full-length of unreal cinematic sonic disembodiment, conceived with the aim of turning the listener into a sacrificial centrepiece to a surreal ritual nightmare where Black Metal, Industrial, Noise and Ritual Drone intersect.
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- tracklist -
01. Doctrines of Dissociation
02. Abject Practises beyond the Threshold
03. Behold the Serpent
04. The sharp Blade that mutilates the Void
05. Drowned under Seas of Coagulation
06. Lurking Hounds stagger in the Deep
07. The Mourning Waters where Fire never dwells
last update: 2024-02-02