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Delerium (Canada)
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Delerium (Canada)
"Faces, Forms And Illusions (1988) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Originally released in 1988 on Dossier Records. The first release of Delerium brims with atmospheric experimentalism, electronic soundscapes, pulsing rhythms combining to create a work that is transcendent, and darkly spiritual.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Monuments Of Deceit
A2. Mecca
A3. Inside The Chamber
A4. Sword Of Islam
B1. New Dawn
B2. Certain Trust
B3. Hidden Mask
B4. Strange Ways
C1. Subvert
C2. Wired Archives
C3. Siege Of Atrocity
D1. Black Ice
D2. Desert

last update: 2022-10-07
Delerium (Canada)
"Morpheus (1989) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Considered by some to be the darkest of the early Delerium records, "Morpheus" is now considered a classic. Dark ambience give way to heavy beats, abrasive tones, trance-like rhythms and samples, combining to weave haunting and disturbing audio voyage.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Gaza
A2. Requiem
A3. Morpheus
A4. Faith
B1. Coup De Tat
B2. Veracity
B3. Temple Of Light
B4. Somnolent
C1. Allurance
C2. Fragments Of Fear
C3. Symbolism
D1. Brave
D2. Waves
D3. Mirrors
D4. Embryo

last update: 2022-10-07
Delerium (Canada)
"Spheres (1994) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The first release of the "middle era" Delerium moves away from the really dark sounds of the earlier work into a an approach to ambient that's more spacey and minimalist, not far from Brian Eno's "Apollo" or early Tangerine Dream.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Monolith
A2. Parallel
B1. Transmitter
B2. Dark Matter
C1. Wavelength
C2. Cloud Barrier
D1. Colony
D2. Realms

last update: 2022-11-28
Delerium (Canada)
"Spheres II (1994) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The second "mid-era" Delerium album and last album for Dossier. "Spheres 2" follows and expands upon the space influenced themes and feel of its predecessor. Melodic abstract ambient that is all at once melancholic, trippy, and enchanting.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Morphology
A2. Transhumanist
B1. Shockwave
B2. Dimensional Space
B3. Hypoxia
C1. Otherworld
C2. In Four Dimensions
D1. Glass
D2. Transcend
D3. Two
D4. Monolith

last update: 2022-11-28
Delerium (Canada)
"Spiritual Archives (1991) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A turning point album, a final release of the band's origins before the beginning of the exploration to the newer sound. Possibly the darkest work in the Delerium catalog, with brooding melancholy soundscapes, and somber ambience.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Drama
A2. Rise Above
A3. Aftermath
B1. Ephemeral Passage
B2. Barren Ground
B3. Fathoms
C1. Awakenings
C2. Deceased
D1. Life Forms
D2. Distant Monks
D3. About MYB

last update: 2022-11-28
Delerium (Canada)
"Stone Tower (1991) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The fifth studio album by Delerium. While possibly not as sinister as "Morpheus" or "Spiritual Archives", Stone Tower is a fantastically hypnotic album of dark ambience and considered a ‘classic’ of its genre!

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Lost Passion
A2. Bleeding
A3. Stone Tower
B1. Empty Spaces
B2. Tundra
B3. Spirit
C1. Red Hill
C2. Sphere
C3. Relics
D1. Spiralling
D2. Mystique

last update: 2022-11-28
Delerium (Canada)
"Syrophenikan (1990) - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Metropolis Records
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
While still firmly planted in the darker sound that defined early Delerium, this record also expands the influences with drones, heavy African percussion beats, and even hints of the future sounds of Delerium's Nettwerk era releases.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Embodying
A2. Shroud
A3. Of The Tribe
D1. Fallen Idols
D2. Mythos
D3. Twilight Rituals
C1. Prophecy
C2. Brainwaves
D1. Ambience
D2. Sermon
D3. Forgotten Places

last update: 2022-11-28
Delerium (Canada)
"Faces, Forms And Illusions (1988)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Originally released in 1988 on Dossier Records. The first release of Delerium brims with atmospheric experimentalism, electronic soundscapes, pulsing rhythms combining to create a work that is transcendent, and darkly spiritual.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Monuments Of Deceit (4:18)
02. Mecca (4:23)
03. Inside The Chamber (6:22)
04. Sword Of Islam (4:15)
05. New Dawn (4:55)
06. Certain Trust (5:11)
07. Hidden Mask (5:17)
08. Strangeways (5:18)
09. Subvert (3:49)
10. Wired Archives (6:58)
11. Siege Of Atrocity (7:46)
12. Black Ice (3:38)
13. Desert (10:39)

last update: 2023-02-14
Delerium (Canada)
"Morpheus (1989)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Considered by some to be the darkest of the early Delerium records, "Morpheus" is now considered a classic. Dark ambience give way to heavy beats, abrasive tones, trance-like rhythms and samples, combining to weave haunting and disturbing audio voyage.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Gaza (5:10)
02. Requiem (5:07)
03. Morpheus (4:56)
04. Faith (4:44)
05. Coup De Tat (4:43)
06. Veracity (3:56)
07. Temple Of Fight (5:38)
08. Somnolent (4:35)
09. Allurance (4:21)
10. Fragments Of Fear (5:18)
11. Symbolism (8:49)
12. Brave (2:39)
13. Waves (2:29)
14. Mirrors (7:31)
15. Embryo (4:21)

last update: 2023-02-14
Delerium (Canada)
"Spheres (1994)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The first release of the "middle era" Delerium moves away from the really dark sounds of the earlier work into a an approach to ambient that's more spacey and minimalist, not far from Brian Eno's "Apollo" or early Tangerine Dream.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Monolith (10:04)
02. Transmitter (13:38)
03. Wavelength (13:23)
04. Colony (12:09)
05. Dark Matter (7:31)
06. Cloud Barrier (6:43)
07. Parallel (4:41)
08. Realms (4:23)

last update: 2023-03-17
Delerium (Canada)
"Spheres II (1994)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The second "mid-era" Delerium album and last album for Dossier. "Spheres 2" follows and expands upon the space influenced themes and feel of its predecessor. Melodic abstract ambient that is all at once melancholic, trippy, and enchanting.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Morphology (9:30)
02. Transhumanist (10:13)
03. Shockwave (8:35)
04. Dimensional Space (5:29)
05. Hypoxia (8:52)
06. Otherworld (4:51)
07. In Four Dimensions (12:33)
08. Glass (3:09)
09. Transcend (3:28)
10. Two (4:50)

last update: 2023-03-17
Delerium (Canada)
"Spiritual Archives (1991)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A turning point album, a final release of the band's origins before the beginning of the exploration to the newer sound. Possibly the darkest work in the Delerium catalog, with brooding melancholy soundscapes, and somber ambience.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Drama (7:39)
02. Rise Above (6:48)
03. Aftermath (7:36)
04. Ephemeral Passage (6:31)
05. Barren Ground (7:33)
06. Fathoms (6:22)
07. Awakining's (10:42)
08. Deceased (7:26)
09. Life Forms (6:03)
10. Distant Monks (4:25)
11. About MYB (3:25)

last update: 2023-04-13
Delerium (Canada)
"Stone Tower (1991)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The fifth studio album by Delerium. While possibly not as sinister as "Morpheus" or "Spiritual Archives", Stone Tower is a fantastically hypnotic album of dark ambience and considered a ‘classic’ of its genre!

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Lost Passion (8:31)
02. Bleeding (8:01)
03. Stone Tower (4:52)
04. Empty Spaces (7:12)
05. Tundra (8:57)
06. Spirit (5:23)
07. Red Hill (6:20)
08. Sphere (5:54)
09. Relics (5:11)
10. Spiralling (5:51)
11. Mystique (5:00)

last update: 2024-04-16
Delerium (Canada)
"Syrophenikan (1990)" Digipak CD 2022, Metropolis Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
While still firmly planted in the darker sound that defined early Delerium, this record also expands the influences with drones, heavy African percussion beats, and even hints of the future sounds of Delerium's Nettwerk era releases.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Embodying (5:06)
02. Shroud (4:46)
03. Of The Tribe (5:11)
04. Fallen Idols (5:14)
05. Mythos (6:20)
07. Twilight Rituala (6:33)
06. Prophecy (5:18)
08. Brainwaves (8:56)
09. Ambience (4:50)
10. Sermon (7:32)
11. Forgotten Places (6:00)

last update: 2023-04-13
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