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Shining Silver Skies
Digipak CD
"Néha bizony olyan lemezek is eljutnak szerkeszt?ségünkbe, melyeket nem keresnénk, vagy hallgatnánk meg egyébként. Az olasz Ashram muzsikája is ebbe a kategóriába tartozik. Nem rockot vagy me(...)"
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Ô Paradis (Spain)
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Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Liquido" Digifile CD 2021, Dark Vinyl Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
"Líquido" constitutes the first profound change that the band has made since its inception, over 20 years ago. A dark, dirty and dejected album, with a successful Punk / rough energy , to which only Aloma Ruiz Boada's violins add touches of colour.

- tracklist -
01. Sant Felip Neri (3:50)
02. Afan De Adivino (4:29)
03. La Placa Bella (4:50)
04. Liquido (5:08)
05. Las Cajas De Carton (5:27)
06. Lord Henry Wotton (4:18)
07. Inerte (4:19)
08. Alicia (3:38)
09. Mundo Sin Mundos (5:58)
10. La Estatua Del Nino Estudiante (4:10)

last update: 2024-01-05
Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Eon 1999-2015" Digipak 2x CD 2017, Wrotycz Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ recommended ] : [ add to cart ]
Two and a half hours of the best moments of Ô Paradis by Demian’s choice – that’s the shortest way to summarize the latest release by this project from Barcelona. Demian picked up 40 songs from a wide Ô Paradis discography generated since 1999.

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- tracklist -
01. Tierra Gastada II
02. Las Vias del Viento
03. The Bubbles of the Fishes
04. Las Nubes que Mueren
05. Tus Pasos en el Paraiso
06. Golgotha Personal
07. Happiness
08. Las Vias del Viento II
09. Por Primera Vez
10. Cuando Muero
11. Disfrazados de Indiferencia
12. Sin Resistencia
13. El Corazón Abrigado
14. Bailando en el Aire
15. La Fuente
16. Disfrazados de Indiferencia II
01. El Segundo Náufrago
02. Medio Ángel
03. El Hombre Menguante
04. El Espectador
05. Trenes Perdidos
06. Los Trenes del Llano
07. Las Cosas Invisibles
08. Dejando Atrás
09. Lo Peor de Tí
10. El Peso de la Alegría
11. Badem. Badem
12. Escarbando
13. Luz en la Selva
14. Caminos I
15. Voces Antiguas
16. La Isla del Tesoro (Mi Sitio en el Paraiso)

last update: 2019-02-11
Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Llega al Amor, Asoma la Muerte" Digifile CD 2015, Dark Vinyl Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
A new album for Ô Paradis, which can be seen as his "Ithaca" or personal masterpiece. There are fresh new inspirations / directions in this album, but we recognize also a homecoming to his old love for Latin music and the melancholy of English Folk.

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- tracklist -
01. Mientras Respiras
02. El Opio de tu Belleza
03. Por el Este
04. Llega el Amor
05. Dime la Verdad
06. Lombrices de Terra
07. El Misterio del Infinito
09. De Espaldas al Milagro
10. No temo Arder
11. Asoma la Muerte

last update: 2019-02-11
Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Carreteras" Digipak CD 2012, Old Europa Cafe
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ recommended ] : [ add to cart ]
The last trip of Ô Paradis through secondary roads leading to the unknown holds a sound more electronic than usual, inviting us to drive without fear to the horizons of our deepest longing.

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- tracklist -
01. Nada Muere
02. Salir Corriendo
03. las Vísceras de la Emoción
04. AP-7
05. движение
06. Ojos Cerrados
07. Aprendiendo Paisajes
08. Carretera al Infierno
09. Rua Do Paradis
10. We Are Gentlemen
11. Reflejos en el Asfalto
12. El Mismo Hombre II
13. Ciudades Dormidas
14. Con Terror
15. Area de Descanso
16. Motel
17. La Última Curva

last update: 2012-09-03
Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Personas" Digipak CD 2012, Old Europa Cafe
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A new chapter in the Pop-Electronic and Romantic-Psychadelia of this great Catalonian artist, a work can not and should not be compared or labeled to anything else by this author. Each song is an experience, an interaction with a real person.

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related projects
- tracklist -
01. Los Demás
02. Las Distancias Infinitas
03. Noches en Tokio
04. Destellos de Cristal
05. Guardar el Calor
06. Felinos
07. Cuando te Alejas
08. El Espejo de la Culpa
09. Takur
10. Caminando por la Calle (Gipsy Kings)

last update: 2024-01-05
Ô Paradis (Spain)
"Pequenas Canciones de Amor" Digipak CD 2008, Tourette Records
13.50EUR • approx. 19.6USD [ add to cart ]
Yet another fine selection of minimal pop in the typical style of O Paradis, where Industrial, Neofolk and Mediterranean folkloristic sounds melt together in a sultry and sometimes erotic sounding musical whole. Perhaps their best so far!

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last update: 2015-03-11
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