Dawn and Dusk Entwined
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Dawn and Dusk Entwined
(France) |
"When I Die Burn Me In The Clothes Of My Youth" Digifile CD 2023, Dark Vinyl Records |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
D+DE goes further with a more mastered realisation of sometimes barely touched elements. An elegant mix of neo-classical, synths and 80's beats for a cinematic journey whose result could be classified as a new wave classic. Feat. Patrick Leagas as guest!
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- tracklist -
01. Finis Terrae (2:45)
02. Trust (4:41)
03. Promises To Keep (6:09)
04. She Came From The East (4:56)
05. Dans Le Lointain... (4:40)
06. Brumes (4:25)
07. À La Faveur De La Nuit (5:50)
08. The Earth Is My Church (4:25)
09. Never Learn (5:23)
last update: 2024-12-22
Dawn and Dusk Entwined
(France) |
"Cathédrales de Brume" Digipak CD 2009, Aube et Crépuscule |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
A soundtrack to the sci-fi novel by French authors Oksana and Gil Prou. You will be drifted in a musical odyssey along the 27 tracks through realms that may remind you some of In the Nursery, Georgÿ Ligeti, Raison d’etre, and of course … D&DE!
- tracklist -
- not available -
last update: 2023-05-05
Dawn and Dusk Entwined
(France) |
"Septentrion" Digipak CD 2007, Cold Meat Industry |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
An album dedicated to the Nordic world, imaginary, beauty, not related to the runic current but to the french litterary notion of "Septentrion", presenting a unique mixture of progressive-industrial, martial beats, dark ambient, and neo-folk.
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- tracklist -
01. A Song of Ice and Fire (10:27)
02. Tundra (8:13)
03. Primordia (3:30)
04. Horn of the Hunter (10:08)
05. Sailing by the North Star (10:60)
last update: 2023-09-18
Dawn and Dusk Entwined
(France) |
"Remergence" Digipak CD 2003, Athanor |
14.50EUR approx. 21USD [ add to cart ] |
Dawn and Dusk Entwined's finest hour, now on Athanor - an excellent mix between Ambient and Neo-Classical atmospheres, without neglecting a militaristic flavour and the addition of historial and movie samples. Recommended!
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- tracklist -
01. Consolamentum
02. Sacrifice for Purity
03. Lines of Shields
04. The Garden of Roses
05. Wild Hunt
06. Spirit of Julian
07. The Journey Home
08. In the Wind of Bliss
09. At The Heart of Darkness
10. Plénitude et Néant
11. Le Long Sommeil
12. Circus Maximus
last update: 2024-02-02