"Excelente Cd de atmósferas absolutamente decadentes, sensuales y tan oscuras como las profundidades del Alma misma. Sin piedad, susurrante, la niebla de este trabajo expande una humedad de frío tact(...)"
11.00EUR approx. 16USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
Being the third album of the French all star ethno-ambient project, "Elefteria" carries on the tradition of its predecessors by merging the far-eastern mysticism and ambience with ecclesiastical themes drawn from ancient Europe.
11.00EUR approx. 16USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Atmospheres are strongly tinged with mysticism and solemnity. A communion between the rising glows of India, the magnificence of the gregorian choirs and the ecstasy of the bewitching threnody.
11.00EUR approx. 16USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
A French super-group, which features members of the brilliant Rajna and Les Secrets de Morphée, bringing to live one of the most impressive Ethno/Ambient projects heard in a long while. Absolutely essential for any Dead Can Dance fan.